Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Joy of Pickling

I just got the book The Joy of Pickling, and found an interesting quote.  Are pickles a key to longevity?

"Susie Potts Gibson died in 2006 at the age of 115.  Born in Mississippi, she had lived in the same house in Alabama for 80 years.  When she died, her daughter told National Public Radio her mother's three secrets to longevity: pickles, vinegar and avoidance of medicine.  Susie lived for her pickles, her daughter said, and she had vinegar on everything.  She drank pickle juice, soaked her feet in it, and put it on any part of her body that hurt"

As a matter of fact just the other day a friend of mine told me that she ate one of my pickles when she was hungover and it made her feel better.

Just a little something to keep in mind :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Labels

I've been working on a new design for my labels.  So far so good, I'll be excited to reveal the final product.  My new jars are so beautiful, and the new labels will compliment them perfectly.  Here's some sketches I've been working on.

As the new jars were a canning success, I decided to order them in large quantity.  I'm gonna have 60 jars to fill when they arrive!  Holy cow.

My Mom is sending me an old Bread and Butter recipe from Leena Eichenburger.  She and her husband were great friends of my Grandparents, Gordie and Beth Price.  I've decided to call them Sweeties, although they will be spicy too, so if I can think of something catchy that incorporates both that would be great.  Like Hottie boo tottie or something.  Hot sweet stuff.  Or like cheerleader, but her daddy's still sweet on her.  Too far?  What is sweet and hot at the same time?  Sweet Hots (live sweethearts with a Boston Accent?) SweetAss. Cinnamon?  Which may or may not end up being one of the ingredients.  I can't come up with anything I like better than Sweeties.  Then there will be a little descriptive guy below the name that says "old school bread and butters". I think that's gonna be cool and will stay "on brand".  Oh listen to that I sound like a professional business type gal!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

New Jars

I'm so excited about these new jars.  They are so handsome.  I wanted to share them with you!

I also did a custom order for 3 jars of Asparagus Bloody Buddies for one of my Mom's friends back home. Thanks for the order, Pam!  They will be in the mail shortly!

And now introducing....SWEETIES!  I'm trying out a new recipe for some Bread and Butter Pickles and I can't wait to see how they turn out.  The waiting is the hardest part, to quote Tom Petty.  Here's a pic to whet your appetite.

I've also got a new website that is ready to roll out.  Still finalizing the pics and trying to figure out the shipping deal.  The web host is great and it's free.  I highly recommend it to anyone starting a small business.  You can upgrade to get more features for a monthly fee, but for now I'm gonna keep it free and easy till I actually get some orders in.

Now that I have a new recipe to tinker with and new jars that sealed successfully I'm ready to roll.  I gotta get back to work actually making pickles!

Wish me Luck!

The Pickle Impresario

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A new frontier

I did some experimental pickling yesterday. I've had a lot of requests for bread and butter pickles so I made three jars of those with a recipe that i made up. We'll see how those taste. I also pickled some tomitillos. They were a little bigger than I would have liked but I know in the summer their will be more variety at the farmers market to choose from. If I like the way these turn out I might add them to the line up. I would like to try peeling them next time. I also filled an order for some asparagus and made some Bloody Buddies. I want to take them to bars/restaurants and get them in the bloody mary brunches around town. The thing I'm most excited about is my new jars! They look so great. I took some photos today, but didn't have time to up load them before work. I'll share those tomorrow. All in all I'm glad to be back on track!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Back on the pickled path

So I took an unplanned break from pickling over the holidays but now I'm back on track with some new jars and some new orders and a new website! More photos and info about my new website to come. You can now officially order on line just have to work out a bug or two before I go live. Totally psyched about that!
Tomorrow I get back to the business of Improsario-ing! See you all then!